Welcome To
"Party Palace"
You have just entered the gates of the Intergalactic Royal Humor Party Animals"
This is the Noble home base for all of The Unified Family Of Sacred Humor Beings.
If you believe you are destined to be
a part of this Royal Family,
you must be "Looney Tunes", "Daft in the Head",
and "Crazy as a Bed Bug"…..
…..Therefore, we cordially invite you to get
Your Royal Highness (Hinies)
in gear and do what it takes to become a Royal Member A.S.A.P.!
The following section below will give you a clue as to how this

Party Palace Previews!
Since all of our party packages are supposed to be "Surprise Packages," we can’t really divulge any juicy details on what outrageous, absurd, and sometimes dastardly creative fun we have assembled, or what exactly is in these packages, because ..…well, that would be called "Cheating"…..
What we will do however, is give you some hints as to what you as a potential Sacred Humor Being Party Animal might encounter when you receive your
Surprise Party Packages!

You will never in 100 lifetimes guess what this "Motley Crew" is doing.....
You will just have to order a party and find out.....
(but then again.....you don't know "Which Party" this is).....
And now, for the first time in Sacred Humor Being History, we bring you a "Sneak Peek" .....I mean "Preview" into some of the most intimate moments of bodacious pleasures. You are about to see first-hand, our Party Animals in action!

Each package is unique…..and has it’s own "Title."
All of the Surprise Parties are designed to:
Inspire creativity in the participating Party Animals.
Cultivate right brain spontaneity in stiff, uptight left brainers…..and teach the right brainers to think straight, (or at least with a little more structure!)
Give yourself permission to do outlandish things you never would have done before….. (without the use of chemicals!)
Make you "rethink" your "previous thinks" about yourself, your world, and the Universe!
Give each Party Animal a sense of adventure..... formerly only known by people referred to as "Dare Devils."
And the most important, give all of your Party Animal friends an opportunity to catch up on their "Laughter Quota."